Nov 7, 2006

UPA 2006 - Hang Zhou

今年的User Friendly Conference 给我很多的impact. Many conversation and discussions were around the culture differences. 因为长时间在美国公司工作及生活,我深深的体会到中西文化差異. 自来到中囯,我发现很多人 (包括designers) made lots assumptions on Chinese users. 我非常疑惑, 当People said to me that Chinese people love busy and flashy design because all the major portals in China have long pages and filled with tons of links and blinking banner ads. Chinese users love red, yellow and gold color. Really?

This topic was brought up again in the User Friendly 2006 Conference in 杭州. There were heated debates around this topic. I think China market presents an interesting phenomenon. Everything contains many different layers of meanings that reflect culture and time. It does not have one simple answer. After all, 5,000 years of history and culture takes time to digest.

哎, 生疏的中文拼音, 一段句子打好久...:P

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